Nat Ma Taung National Park
Located between 21’24’ N and 93’55’ E in Kanpet-let, Mindut and Matupi Townships of Chin State.
279 square miles.
Year of Establishment
Established in 1994.
Yangon to Bagan-Nyaung-Oo, 320 miles by flight, Bagan-Nyaung-Oo to Chauk, 18 miles by car, Chauk via Seikpyu to Hsaw, 68 miles by car and Hsaw to Kan-pet-let, 12 miles by car or Hsaw to Mindut, 42 miles by car.
- To conserve the watershed areas of Lemro river, Myitha river, Saw Chaung, Maw Chaung, Salin Chuaung, Che Chaung, Yow Chaung, Mon Chaung, etc.
- To conserve the scenic beauty of natural forests.
- To conserve Mountain Ecosystem and prohibit illicit hunting.
- To preserve 5 species of rare birds which can be found only in Myanmar, other native and migratory birds their hbitats.
- To preserce rare species of Myanmar Orchids.
- To educate local people to shif from prctising shifting cultivation to cultivating perennial plants and trees
- To promote and upgrade the park as an ecotourism attraction.
- To attract tourists with water rafting and rapid-shooting during the rainy season while the river flow is rapid.
Forest / Vegetative Types
- Hill Evergreen Forests
- Moist Upper Mixed Deciduous Forests
- Pine Forests (above 9000 feet)
- Hill Savannah
Mammals such as tiger, bear, wild boar, leopard, goar, serow, gibbon, etc. and 159 bird species, reptiles and butterfly are present.
Conservation, Development and Research Programmes
- Education and prohibiting of shifting cultivation in the protected areas.
- Inventory of forest flora.
- Study and research on bird species and their natural habitats.
- Establishment of modern Forest Village with the assistance of rule people to initiate a permanent Taungya planning system with perennial plants.
- Conducting a field survey and inventory to promote and uograde the park for ecotourism industry.
Opportunities for Study and Recreation
- Recreation and viewing of the natural mountain scenery.
- Visiting the third highest Mountain in Myanmar which is (10018) feet high, and hiking a distance of 15 miles from the old Kan-pet-let city, or driving 10 miles by car from Kan-pet-let city and hiking another 5 miles to the mountain.
- )Observation of 159 bird speciesincluding 5 indigenous species and also Blyth’s Tragopan, a very rare species.
- Paticipation in organized Orchid Tours where the most attractive Myanmar Orchids exist.
- Observing the traditional and cultural eritage of Chin pople and their living systems.
- Observing the natural forest and trees, especially Rhodoendron arboreum.
- Accommodation for 5 persons at the guest house.